Recently our CEO, Núria Amigó, was invited to participate in the first INNOWWIDE Focus Group, a virtual meeting organized by Steinbeis 2i innovative + international, as an INNOWWIDE funding recipient representative, to evaluate the call impact and to get insight the entire process, enabling to see those activities which we were good at and those that need improvement. The participant’s opinions will be used to generate a report which will provide policy recommendations direct to the European Commission.
At the end of 2019, at Biosfer we broke the barrier of European projects, receiving one of the first H2020-INNOWWIDE call grant. The INNOWWIDE pilot call intends to bring highly innovative European SMEs, like ours, to the forefront of international markets to carry out a Viability Assessment Projects in cooperation with a local partner from another country.
We submitted a proposal together with a Chilean partner ANDINNO -funded by Thomas Haack and Cecilia Branes- interested in both our technology -our Lipoprotein test, the Liposcale test– and promoting the Chilean market development. So we embarked on this new adventure. We wrote the project and we were granted. This project ended at the end of July 2020 and we have achieved all the work packages, and we want to highlight the setup of our technology based on nuclear magnetic resonance in a Chilean spectrometer, which is currently available to carry out our lipoprotein test in Chile.