The Precision Medicine Forum
In February this year, the Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) launched the “International Precision Medicine Forum“, supported by the ITEMAS platform, the Biobanks and Biomodels platform and the Spanish Society of Clinical Pharmacology. The forum, with the participation of more than a hundred experts, aims to review, from the point of view of different specialties and fields of knowledge, the main aspects related to clinical research and precision medicine.
This international forum has the support of the scientific societies of the specialities taught, the collaboration of more than 60 international companies and a dozen large pharmaceutical companies.
It consists of nine modules spread over one or two weeks in a virtual format and is completely free of charge.

The VIII of these modules, From biological samples to precision medicine, took place in the last week of May. The session was devoted to reviewing various technological innovation projects focused on the development of tools to improve the diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of diseases.
Four innovative projects proposed by the ITEMAS member nodes and centres were presented at the conference, which was devoted entirely to technological innovation and biological samples.
Among them, the CEO, Nuria Amigó, presented the readaptation that the company carried out during the pandemic through the VISIONING project.
This project, awarded by the University and research grants management agency (AGAUR) together with the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV), aims to develop Europe’s first in vitro prognostic test for COVID-19 by combining magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and machine learning (ML) tools.