Biosfer Teslab asiste a la International Manuel Rico NMR School
From June 19th to 23rd, the XV edition of the International Manuel Rico NMR School, organized by The Specialised Group of NMR (GERMN) of the Spanish Royal Society of
Chemistry (RSEQ) took place in Jaca. The event brought together doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, technical staff, and researchers from academia and industry, with the aim of deepening their understanding of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and enhancing their technical skills.
The NMR School is an international academic initiative that seeks to promote knowledge and information exchange in the field of NMR. The course featured the participation of NMR experts who provided attendees with a unique opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the use of this technique. Besides its academic value, the NMR School fostered a pleasant environment that encouraged interesting debates and informal interactions among participants and professors, laying the groundwork for future collaborations.

Biosfer Teslab, a pioneering company in NMR-based metabolomics services, was once again selected to attend the renowned International Manuel Rico NMR School. On this occasion, the company was represented by Carla Merino, our laboratory manager, and Jean Paul de Sousa, our technical staff, who attended with the goal of expanding their knowledge of the technique, exchanging information in the field of NMR, and establishing connections with researchers from other scientific disciplines that share the use of NMR.
Biosfer Teslab is delighted to have participated in this prestigious event. We are committed to applying the knowledge gained during the course to continuously improve our research and development in the field of NMR. Our colleagues Carla and Jean Paul assure us that it was a true pleasure to attend the course, learn from the theoretical and practical classes, and enjoy the experience alongside all the participants.