I Ara Què? Event organised by TEDxReus
TEDxReus is the TEDx license to organise TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) events in the city of Reus, which has been running since 2012.
The aim of the TEDxReus events is to promote connection, reflection and debate between the speakers and the audience, fostering change and innovation in the city.
The most important event is the TEDxReus event in which live interventions are combined with recorded TED Talks videos.
Under the title “I Ara què?” the event took place on 2 July at the Teatre Bartrina.

With the talk entitled: “Pitch Elevator, and the garden of forking paths” Núria Amigó talked about entrepreneurship. The uncertainty in the present and future as well as the challenges that entrepreneurs face on a daily basis, focusing on the biotechnology sector.
You can enjoy the event at the following link: