Biosfer Teslab at the event “Empowering the Future We Want”
On Monday, October 16, 2023, our CEO Núria Amigó participated in the event “Empowering the Future We Want” alongside Jose Bayon Lopez, CEO of ENISA, and Juan Merodio. The purpose of this event was to introduce the #SpainUpNation program. ENISA, the National Innovation Company, is a public entity under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and […]
Discordance between LDL-C levels and LDL particle number
Lipoproteins are much more than just vehicles for cholesterol in our body. Although lipid analysis has traditionally focused on measuring levels of total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol, science has advanced, and we now know that lipoproteins play a much more complex role in our cardiovascular health. Not only do they carry cholesterol, but they also […]
Cardiovascular Disease: Beyond LDL Cholesterol
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims the lives of over 4 million people in Europe every year. Dyslipidemia, a disorder characterized by abnormal blood lipid levels, is one of the most significant risk factors for the development of CVD. Specifically, LDL cholesterol plays a central role in the relationship between cardiovascular disease and dyslipidemia. However, a high […]
How NMR metabolomics & artificial intelligence revolutionize neonatal health, clinical decision-making and diagnosis
NMR metabolomics & AI in neonatal health Did you know that there are almost 3 million fetal and neonatal deaths every year? Did you know that Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is the largest contributor to stillbirth – the death or loss of a baby before or during delivery?. FGR is associated with neonatal morbidity and mortality, and […]
Biosfer Teslab at the International Manuel Rico NMR School
Biosfer Teslab asiste a la International Manuel Rico NMR School From June 19th to 23rd, the XV edition of the International Manuel Rico NMR School, organized by The Specialised Group of NMR (GERMN) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) took place in Jaca. The event brought together doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, technical staff, […]
Spring Highlights: international actions, conferences, and courses
Spring Highlights: international actions, conferences, and courses Biosfer Teslab a leading innovator in metabolomic based health applications and NMR services, is pleased to share its fruitful participation in different prominent conferences, meetings and courses held during the spring season. The company’s active engagement and contributions to these events have solidified its position as a thought […]
Biosfer Teslab at the Swiss Biotech day
Swiss Biotech Day 24 y 25 de abril de 2023 Last 24th and 25th April, the Swiss Biotech Day took place in Basel (Switzerland). An event that has been held since 2013 organised by the Swiss Biotechnology Association and BIOCOM AG and which continues to grow year after year. The Swiss Biotech Day has become […]
Help Your Patients by Incorporating Metabolomics into Your Research and Clinical Practice!
Metabolomics: Personalised precision medicine is here With omics technologies we can obtain a more objective and complete view of the molecular changes occurring during patient clinical evolution. Think of the HEART. Did you know that it beats over an average lifetime more than 3 billion times? It is the most metabolically demanding organ in the […]
Premi TOYP atorgat per la JCI de Reus i la JCI de Catalunya
Premis TOYP organitzats per la JCI Reus i la JCI Catalunya La jove cambra de Catalunya compren una xarxa de joves actius al món de entre 18 i 40 anys on milloren competències essencials per al seu futur. creada el 13 d’octubre de 1915, va créixer fins a tenir 750 membres en menys de cinc […]
TOYP Award granted by JCI Reus and JCI Catalunya
TOYP Awards organised by JCI Reus and JCI Catalonia The Young Chamber of Catalonia comprises a network of young people active in the world between 18 and 40 years old where they improve essential skills for their future. Created on 13 October 1915, it grew to 750 members in less than five months. However, it […]