IX IISPV SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR “Personalised Precision Medicine”.

The training commission of the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) organised the IX scientific seminar entitled “Personalised precision medicine” last June.
With the main objective of analysing the benefits of personalised precision medicine, the IISPV organised this scientific seminar, which was divided into two sessions.
In the first of these sessions, Dr. Damián García del Olmo, Professor of Surgery at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and Head of the Department of Surgery at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital presented a paper entitled “Molecular biomarkers in liquid biopsy as a strategy for precision medicine in colorectal cancer” to discuss the benefits of precision medicine in the approach to cancer.
The second session consisted of a round table, where four experts spoke about the promises and realities of personalised precision medicine. With Silvia Fornós, journalist of Diari de Tarragona as moderator, Dr. Núria Amigó (Co-founder and CEO of the spin-off Biosfer Teslab S.L), Dr. Elisabet Vilella (Head of the research group GAP – Genetics and Environment in Psychiatry), Dr. Josep M del Bas (Director of the Nutrition and Health Unit -Eurecat) and Dr. Josep Basora i Gallisà (Director of IDIAP Jordi Gol) debated for more than an hour about the advantages and realities of precision personalised medicine and how to implement them in the research areas of the IISPV.