Similarity network fusion to identify phenotypes of small-for-gestational-age fetuses

Absract Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 5-10% of pregnancies, is the largest contributor to fetal death, and can have long-term consequences for the child. Implementation of a standard clinical classification system is hampered by the multiphenotypic spectrum of small fetuses with substantial differences in perinatal risks. Machine learning and multiomics data can potentially revolutionize clinical […]

Glycoprotein and Lipoprotein Profiles Assessed by 1H-NMR and Its Relation to Ascending Aortic Dilatation in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease

Abstract Introduction: The bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) confers a high risk of ascending aorta dilatation (AAoD), although its progression seems highly variable. Furthermore, the implication of lipoprotein metabolism and inflammation in the mechanisms that underlie AAoD is not fully established. The aim of this study consisted of evaluating the impact of the lipoprotein and glycoprotein profiles […]

The novel inflammatory biomarker GlycA and triglyceride-rich lipoproteins are associated with the presence of subclinical myocardial dysfunction in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Abstract Background: Subjects with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) have an increased incidence of heart failure (HF). Several pathophysiological mechanisms have been involved in its development. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential contribution of the advanced lipoprotein profile and plasma glycosylation (GlycA) to the presence of subclinical myocardial dysfunction in subjects with […]

Free triiodothyronine levels and age influences the metabolic profile and COVID-19 severity parameters in euthyroid and levothyroxine-treated patients

Abstract Metabolic reprogramming is required to fight infections and thyroid hormones are key regulators of metabolism. We have analyzed in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: 40 euthyroid and 39 levothyroxine (LT4)-treated patients in the ward and 29 euthyroid and 9 LT4-treated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), the baseline characteristics, laboratory data, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free […]

Metabolomic patterns, redox-related genes and metals, and bone fragility endpoints in the Hortega Study

Abstract Background: The potential joint influence of metabolites on bone fragility has been rarely evaluated. We assessed the association of plasma metabolic patterns with bone fragility endpoints (primarily, incident osteoporosis-related bone fractures, and, secondarily, bone mineral density BMD) in the Hortega Study participants. Redox balance plays a key role in bone metabolism. We also assessed differential […]

Different profiles of lipoprotein particles associate various degrees of cardiac involvement in adolescents with morbid obesity

Abstract Introduction: Dyslipidemia secondary to obesity is a risk factor related to cardiovascular disease events, however a pathological conventional lipid profile (CLP) is infrequently found in obese children. The objective is to evaluate the advanced lipoprotein testing (ALT) and its relationship with cardiac changes, metabolic syndrome (MS) and inflammatory markers in a population of morbidly obese […]

Measurement of Serum N-Glycans in the Assessment of Early Vascular Aging (Arterial Stiffness) in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes

Abstract Objective: Vascular aging (arterial stiffness [AS]) is an inflammation-linked process that predicts macro- and microvascular complications in adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D). We evaluated the utility of measuring the inflammation-linked N-glycans GlycA and GlycB to assess vascular aging in adults with T1D. Research design and methods: Eighty-four adults with T1D (>10-year duration without cardiovascular events) […]

GlycA and GlycB as Inflammatory Markers in Chronic Heart Failure

The role of inflammation in heart failure (HF) has been extensively described, but it is uncertain whether inflammation exerts a different prognostic influence according to etiology. We aimed to examine the inflammatory state in chronic HF by measuring N-acetylglucosamine/galactosamine (GlycA) and sialic acid (GlycB), evolving proton nuclear magnetic resonance biomarkers of systemic inflammation, and explore […]