Serum glycoproteins A and B assessed by 1H-NMR in familial hypercholesterolemia
Abstract Background and aims: Inflammation is a pathophysiological mechanism of atherosclerosis, and several mediators have been proposed as biomarkers. Acute-phase serum glycoproteins are upregulated in the liver during systemic inflammation. Because of their unique biochemical characteristics, they can be measured by 1H-NMR, and their role as subclinical inflammation markers is under clinical evaluation. We aimed to assess […]
GlycA nou biomarcador en artritis reumatoide

El grup de recerca en Immunologia de la Universitat d’Oviedo del qual forma part el Dr. Javier Rodríguez-Carrio ha publicat un estudi en el qual s’identifica una de les nostres variables del test de glicoproteïnes, GlycA, com biomarcador emergent per a l’estratificació i la presa de decisions en artritis reumatoide en estadis primerencs. Si vols […]